Happy Birthday KIXOperator

Happy Birthday KIXOperator

multivendor ATM management & monitoring solution

multivendor ATM management & monitoring solution
multivendor ATM management & monitoring solution

Happy Birthday KIXOperator!

More than 50,000 self-service devices are managed and monitored with our multivendor self-service device management solution KIXOperator.

Unsere herstellerneutral SB-Geräte Management- & Monitoringlösung KIXOperator ist nun mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte erfolgreich im Einsatz. Mittlerweile unterstützt die SB-Lösung über 150 verschiedene SB-Gerätemodelle und verfügt über eine installierte Basis von über 50.000 Geldautomaten in 14 Ländern. Der multivendor Ansatz ermöglicht den Betreibern eine einfache Verwaltung und Überwachung der gesamten Geldautomatenflotte mit nur einer Anwendung - zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort. Die SBS KIX-Plattform deckt das gesamte Spektrum für einen reibungslosen Betrieb moderner Geldautomaten und anderer SB-Geräte ab.

Managing Director Wolfgang Braunwieser remembers the beginning very well ...

20 years have passed since the completion of KIXOperator version 1 and still the SBS decision to implement a multivendor capable self-service device management solution doesn't seem that long ago.

I still remember the first round of discussions with customers in which we asked ourselves for the first time: "How do we monitor our ATMs in the future when they are operated in a network of different hardware suppliers?"

Admittedly, we didn't have a concrete idea of what the solution would look like, but we raised our hand and agreed to build a solution based on the web technologies available at the time.

Today, KIXOperator is more than two decades old and is used by numerous operators of ATMs or other types of self-service devices. More than 50,000 self-service devices are managed by our customers using the latest versions of our product.

The continual development of KIXOperator is important for our customers. Both the technology and the architecture have been updated to meet the requirements of a modern, high-performance management and monitoring application.

However, at its core, the solution still consists of the following three main components, such as the central KIXOperator server, the KIXOperator agent installed on the self-service device and the KIXOperator web interface.

We have continuously expanded these components with new functions and, in addition to the classic self-service device monitoring, we can support our customers with numerous reporting functions and extensive capabilities in the area of software installation. This makes it possible to manage a vast amount of self-service devices with a small team and to ensure that the devices are available to the end users around the clock.

Our current developments are preparing KIXOperator for the optimal integration of specialized, multi-value functionality, which will be provided in the future by SBS itself, but also by partner companies. As a result, KIXOperator will remain the central hub for the efficient management of both small and very large self-service device networks in the future.

Wolfgang Braunwieser, Managing Director SBS Software Ges.m.b.H

"We would like to thank our customers for their decades of loyalty and the extremely important feedback
we receive from their experts, which enables us to continuously improve our product
and expand it with useful features.


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